mcnp faculty college of nursing & 2-year courses Reynaldo Adducul, MSN, JDDeanLouise Cabling, RN, MSNProgram CoordinatorAmeil Reyes, RN, MSNInstructor college of radiologic technology Ricky James AgustinLaboratory-in-chargeWinnie Cancejo, RRT, MPHDean, College of Radiologic Technology college of physical therapy Cindy Duldulao, PTRP, MPHDeanDaisy Taccad, PTRPLab-in-charge college of pharmacy Melanie Palogan, RPHProgram CoordinatorRica Carmela, RPHInstructorBabylyn Domingo, RPHInstructorColt James, RPHInstructorCatherine AnguluanInstructor college of medical laboratory science Enjay JavierProgram Coordinator latest news