community extension services office

Extension program is an essential component of quality education. It imparts skills and technological training to many of those who have limited access to formal education.

Extension is designing activities that effect behavior change through constituent- driven programs focused on outcome- based objectives using variety of educational processes and techniques over a continuum time (Wilkins, 2000). Today’s challenge for extension work is multi- faceted educational initiative to link   technology, expertise and resources of government and non- government institutions to the issues and concerns of individuals and society in general. This entails continuing task of    capacity building for the Filipino people and communities towards self- reliance and empowerment for human development, within the context of poverty and deteriorating level of human development.

Extension program causes the educational institution to have linkages with and serve the bigger community that makes the institution real and alive in the hearts and minds of stakeholders on real life situation and scenarios.

Hence, in line with the Vision/ Mission of the school which is an upliftment of the quality of life, distinct trademarks of the school’s culture of excellence, employees and students possesses its skills and competencies that enables the institution in performing well within the school and the community. As employees and students imbibe within themselves the core values of the institution, extending services at their utmost ability in the community is one way of manifesting the desire to become socially aware and be involved in community development.

Thus, MCNP believes that change is inevitable giving us the reason to be catalysts of change with a unified goal to serve the community and larger society leading to the upliftment of their quality of life enclosed with these essential elements; Service oriented, Leadership and Character Building.

The approach to community engagement of the school includes three characteristics, and these are Access, Participation and Relevance. The institution specifically the Office of the Community Extension Services therefore makes its self-available to the community through staff/ students who channels the institution to other agencies and or community and the access through institution which directly links the school to other agencies and community. The institution’s participation refers to varying roles of the school and the community in programs and projects that may be classified as service-oriented as the school provides support to the community; through mutual exchange wherein the school and the community share both their resources and information; through cooperative engagement where both the school and the community work together in the     implementation of specific projects; and through transformative engagement where in the community takes the lead in decision- making as the school provides necessary support to sustain the engagement.

Henceforth, all activities, programs and projects to be conducted should have its relevance to the development priorities taking into consideration   institutional competency in response to the needs of the community.


  1. Provide professional and community service that would respond to the economic, political, socio- cultural aspects of a person’s life;
  2. Establish people’s organization that would seek to empower themselves and become responsible and productive citizens; and
  3. Build linkages and coordinate with non- government, government agencies and local government units in order to complement and supplement each other’s services and resources for the welfare of the target beneficiaries and partner communities.


Reach out to the poor and disadvantaged individuals, families and communities and provide them with holistic and integrated programs and services that would respond to their needs and problems to attain quality way of life.​


We envision a school- community which is committed to be of service to the poor and the marginalized sectors of the Philippine society.


The Community Extension Services Office serves as the central base for extension and outreach programs’ implementation. Hence, all activities to be conducted in the community (outreach and extension) are being coordinated in the office. Implementation of programs and projects are based on the needs assessments gathered by its specific implementers or a felt need that seeks solutions and actions. In addition, the office shall support all community engagements and participations of the students, faculty and non- teaching personnel, offices and or departments and the administration. It also opens its door to agencies who wish to collaborate with the institution with terms of partnership so long that the school can provide for the society’s sake. The Community Extension Services office shall function and operate under the direct supervision of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance and shall work in collaboration with the Research Office and all the different department. Further, each department must coordinate all its community endeavors to the Community Extension Services office for information and proper guidance and must observe its protocol.


Extension is a public service work by an academic unit, faculty, staff and students, individually or as a group. This function of an institution is a contribution to achieving excellence in social, and public service, specially the under-served sectors. Extension generates, validates, and applies knowledge that can enrich instruction and research. Therefore, to come up with a good program plan and become effective in the implementation and be guided in the operation of extension program, standards must be significantly observed where extensionist must tail.

philosophy and guidelines


Program Success Indicators​

These standards are set to work hand in hand and considerably a work in progress as the cycle of its inter- relation must be deliberated through a result of constant monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects. Thus, the possibility of refinement of such process is anticipated without disregarding the expected outcome of programs and projects and not going beyond the goal statement. Through this extension framework, the convergence of the three academic function of the institution will be appreciated realizing its existence as a Higher Education Institution while maintaining its culture of excellence and its contribution in the society.